Monthly Archives: April 2014

Super Foods

What are super foods? These are nutrient dense foods and no cape included.  We all could use better nutrition in our lives and super foods are a great way to do it, let these super foods not only save your health but also save you from bland eating.  Here is a list of SOME super foods that you can easily find, I did not include super foods such as Gogi Berries because they usually carried at your local grocer.

1. Chia. Not just something you grow on a ceramic head anymore. Chia is packed with Omega-3s, Protein, Anti-Oxidants and Fiber. These are more digestible than Flax Seed, so you can sprinkle it on your dinner, on salads, make a smoothing, pudding or even put it in your water.  The Chia Co. has these in packets called Chia Shots, making it easy to carry around.  These can be purchased in most health food stores. [i]

2. Eggs . Each egg has 6 grams of protein but just 72 calories. Eggs can be purchased almost everywhere and cook quickly. [ii]

3. Prunes. Packed with polyphenols, which have been shown to boost bone density by stimulating your bone-building cells.  They also provide that sweetness for those of you with a sweet tooth. [ii]

4. Walnuts. Full of Alpha-Linolenic Acid (an Omega-3 fat), which has been shown to improve memory and coordination. Plus they are a handy snack to eat while watching tv, also great to add to salads. [ii]

5. Brussels Sprouts. These are full of Glucosinolates, which combat cancer and detoxify our body.  Saute these up with some other veggies as a side dish. [ii]

6. Apples. An apple a day keep the doctor away, as the old adage states.  Why? They contain Antioxidants. [ii]

7. Bok Choy. Who figured this leafy green is a Calcium-rich veggie?  It may even ward off PMS symptoms. [ii]

8. Salmon. 3 oz of Salmon will get you those Omega-3s you need for the day. [ii]

9. Avocados. Healthy fats in avocados help bodies absorb other nutrients. [ii]

10. Spinach. Great source of Vitamin K, which helps blood clot and build strong bones. [ii]

11. Cauliflower. These full of Glucosinolates, which combat cancer and detoxify our body. [ii]

12. Scallops. Besides being my favorite they are full of Protein without being full of calories, 3oz has about 14 grams of Protein and approximately 75 calories. [ii]

13. Collard Greens. Full of essential vitamins like Vitamin A, Zeaxanthin and Lutien. [ii]

14. Olives and Olive Oil. Both have the same heart-healthy Monounsaturated Fat and are low on calories. [ii]

15. Brown Rice. Full of Magnesium.  Go for the long grain version, which is the best for you. [ii]

16. Oysters. Great source for Iron, Zinc and Selenium which is all great for your immune system. [ii]

17. Edamame. Super packed with Protein, Fiber, Folate and Phytosterols, which helps lower cholesterol. [ii]

18. Strawberries. Loaded with Ellagitannins and Phytochemicals, halt the growth of cervical and colon cancers. [ii]

19. Lentils. Great source of Protein, Folate and Vitamin B. [ii]

20.Kiwi. High in Vitamin C, not to mention they are yummy. [ii]

21. Black Bean. Loaded with Protein, Fiber and Antioxidants. [ii]

22. Sunflower Seeds. Full of Vitamin E, which keeps your heart healthy and fights infection. [ii]

23. Asparagus. Full of Vitamin K and Folate. Asparagus also helps banish bloating. [ii]

24. Bananas. Loaded not only with Potassium but with Fiber as well. [ii]

25. Baked Potatoes. Packed with even more Potassium than a banana. [ii]

26. Sweet Potato. Get more than you daily dose of Vitamin A, which boosts your vision and your immune system. [ii]

27. Flaxseed. Filled with Omega-3s, it also has more lignans than any other food.  You can sprinkle this on anything including yogurt, cold cereal and oatmeal. [ii]

28. Tea. Both green and black tea prevent hardening of the arteries. [ii]

29. Peanut Butter. Full of Amino Acids. Great on and in almost everything. Add it to your smoothy, pudding, on celery and more. [ii]

30. Grapes. A great source of Resveratrol. [ii]

31. Soy Milk. Vegetable Protein and has as much Calcium and Vitamin D as traditional cow’s milk. [ii]

32. Blueberries. Improve memory with these yummy super foods. [ii]

33. Orange. We all know these are full of Vitamin C, what about Calcium and Folate? Bet you didn’t know that! [ii]

34. Barley. Top source of Beta-Glucan, a fiber that lowers cholesterol and helps control blood sugar. [ii]

35. Shiitake Mushrooms. Full of Vitamin D and if you’re trying to eat less meat or want to try something new, try grilling Shiitake Mushrooms, they taste very similar to steak. [ii]


 Some Super Food Recipes


Chia Berry Delight


This website has a few super food smoothies that incorporate a few of the super foods above.


Scallop & Brussells Sprout Recipe


I failed to mention this has bacon in it, though not a super food, it’s super yummy.


Chia Pudding


So good and so good for you.  This is a Vegan recipe and easy to make.


Wild Asparagus and Shiitake Mushroom



Apple Glazed Vegetable & Edamame Stir Fry



Orange and Edamame Salad


This one has 4 super foods in it!


Seared Salmon Fillets with Edamame Succotash

Edamame and Toasted Coconut Stuffed Avocado



Strawberry Edamame Salad Recipe



Curried Lentils and Sweet Potatoes



Egg Baked Sweet Potato


Stuffed Collard Greens



Collard Green Carbonara



Sautéed Bacon Mushrooms, and Lentils

Sautéed Bacon Mushrooms


Nava’s Hearty Lentil and Mushroom Shepherd’s Pie


These all look delicious and now I’m super hungry!

Written by Valerie Michel Buck


